Monday, September 29, 2008


A decade ago I had never tried to grow orchids. I thought of them as difficult plants to grow; plants that needed environments that were near impossible to replicate in a home. My opinion was changed by a friend who grew them as if they were standard houseplants.
That was all I needed to give them a try.
Well, they are different from what I had been used to growing. Epiphytes are not like terrestial plants. Watering, feeding, light conditions are all different. Still, after many failures, I have a core of 4 plants that grow and flower successfully. I cannot say they are easy to grow, but the reward when they flower is wonderful.
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At 4:57 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

det var kul att prata med dig en stund. Middagen blev god. Ikväll ska Ted laga middag, det blir pannkakor. Nu har jag varit på gym på morgonen och sitter på kontoret nu.
Hur ser dina orchideér ut när de blommar?


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